mercoledì 14 marzo 2012

First Meet

\(・_・ ) ( ・_・)/Hi!
Last monday there was a little Yunie's meeting between those who aren't sure about their presents to the next meet (it will be on sunday 18 in Milan. We'll write soon a post about it).
We had a lot of fun! \(●~▽~●)У

Rika waited Shane at home to travel together to Cuneo.

They went to a café where they met Olly.

(the sad spoon  ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ )

We had a tea and we chatted about make up and stuff.  且_(・_・ )三(ノ゜0゜)ノ~貝
We also met Isa who had a tea with us (*^^*)

After tea, make up, jokes, hair and laughs, we went to a Japanese buffet restourant for dinner. ( ̄〜; ̄)

And when we became too tired to stand, we had to say goodbye and take our cars to go home.

We all really enjoyed this meet and we can't wait until the next one!
♪♪♪ ( ^^)人(^^ ) ♪♪♪

5 commenti:

  1. Grazie per l'add,bella!
    é un piacere seguirti!
    molto baci!

    1. Grazie a te! *^* Il tuo blog è interessantissimo :3
      Peccato che faccio un po' fatica a leggere i post che non sono tradotti in inglese XD
      Ho letto il post della wishlist e vorrei tutto *-* il concealer per le sopracciglia ce l'ho in biondo e ti assicuro che funziona benissimo!

      Thank you too! *^* Your blog is so interesting! :3
      To bad it's a little hard for me to understand the post without the english transaltion xD
      I read the wishlist post and I want everything *-* I already have got the eyebrow concealer (but in blonde) and I can assure it really works!

  2. thanks so much for following ♥♥♥

  3. Your hair is so WAW ! I really wanted to have the same haircut .. but i cant >w< KAKKOIII !! Keep Going gurl, you seems lovely !
