venerdì 23 marzo 2012

Yunie Gal Circle @ CARTOOMICS!

Cartoomics 18 March 2012. Sunday, to be exact.

Yunie Gal Circle was there to have fun together and have some crazy shopping! ♪♪(((≧▽≦)八(≧▽≦)八(≧▽≦)))♪♪

Spike cosplayed the Doctor from the "Doctor Who", Shane wore a yukata, Rika wore a Lolita outfit and Yaki created an original outfit with her favourite dress.

To begin, I immediatly say it was a wonderful expo, with Karaoke, Just Dance and various videogames free to try. 〜(*▽*〜)(〜*▽*)〜 And don't forget the stands, a lot of cosaplayers - some were perfect, some were not, but in the end they should all be awarded for the effort spent-, a couple of super supplied ramen kiosks! O(≧▽≦)O

mercoledì 14 marzo 2012

First Meet

\(・_・ ) ( ・_・)/Hi!
Last monday there was a little Yunie's meeting between those who aren't sure about their presents to the next meet (it will be on sunday 18 in Milan. We'll write soon a post about it).
We had a lot of fun! \(●~▽~●)У

Rika waited Shane at home to travel together to Cuneo.

venerdì 2 marzo 2012

2 Hours Shopping & Logo

Today Rika visited Shane at her workplace to talk about Yunie's future projects! \(○^ω^○)/
Shane works in a mall, so meanwhile they had some shopping.
These are their outfits to work.